Thursday, March 19, 2020

All these notes are due by sunday Remember your WWII test that I posted on Teams is due Tuesday 3/24 Pay attention not all are required to be copied please have them ready for our class discussion for monday

Due not Copy these laws down they are example feel free to copy them if you like but you are not required to 

Do Not copy down this slide its for your knowledge again feel free to copy if you like

Do not copy the Death in the Gas chambers Slide. you can if you want but it is not required

Turning Points in the War How the Allies Win the war.

Take the note of the body language of Stalin, Roosevelt and Chamberlain.
Notice how Stalin is leaning away. please remember the Allies hate the Russians and they do not trust Stalin and Stalin does not trust them. We will discuss these on Monday through our zoom meeting.

Do not copy the stats on Pearl Harbor. just know it was an attack on the US naval base in the Pacific and it is the reason for the US entry intoWWII. Rosevelt gives a famous speech where he calls this day a "day that will live in infamy"

Mussolini's dead body (oh how the might have Fallen)

You are not required to copy this slide

you are not required to copy this slide below

you are not required to copy this slide
this is a person's ashes that were burned into the cement after the dropping of the bomb

Again notice how they are sitting. The man in the middle is Harry Truman he becomes president when Roosevelt dies. FDR died before the war ended.

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