Remember Spring break is April 4th -April 12th
Monday 3/30: Copy notes on the cold war. watch my video explaining the Cold War (take notes or questions you may have so we can discuss them)
Tuesday 3/31: we will meet on teams at a time will be determined later
Watch videos posted here about the cold war write a summary of each video
Wednesday 4/1: Copy notes on Berlin Airlift
assignment reading on Berlin airlift NATO and Warsaw pact(posted on Teams) email me responses
Thursday 4/2
CRQ on Cold war Posted on Teams. email me your work
Friday 4/3
Copy notes on Chinese communist revolution, Dieng Xiaoping and Cold war Hot spots (there are a lot of notes don't worry if you cannot get it all done in one sitting. these notes will be due after spring break)
we will meet on teams to discuss the cold war and anything questions you may have
IF YOU WANT: take notes on my videos but they will go along with the notes on the blog.
My Videos I Made (my first attempt so be patient lol)
part 1:
part 2
part 3
These videos please watch and write a summary for each 5-7 bullet summary
cold videos to watch (not of me)
roots of the cold war
Berlin airlift

do not copy this chart about the marshall plan
Chinese Communist revolution
remember there are a lot of notes so take your time they are not due until after Easter. I will be making videos explaining these notes later in the weekend