Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Homework Assignment 2

Global II  Homework assignment sheet. All homework must have the proper heading: the due date is the date it is headed in. remember you may email hw at mcastill@bufsd.org
Your name                                    period
Date                                                assignment
Remember the assignments are listed on www.castillobhs.blogspot.com you can also access the textbook from there. Please check the blog for information and extra credit
Due date
Read chapter 23 section 1 complete the voc list and section 1 questions. All questions are to be submitted to turnitin.com

Friday 9/27
Read chapter 23 section 2 complete the section  
All questions are  to be submitted to turnitin.com
Writing assignment 1

Wednesday 10/2
Multiple choice Quiz castle learning
Test on voc words
Friday 10/3
Writing assignment 2
Monday 10/6
Quiz on the early stages of the French revolution
Monday 10/6

Email any questions that you may have with the homework.

If using online textbook its chapter 7 French revolution and 
Voc words Chapter 23
1.  Estate 
2.  Old Regime 
3.  Louis XVI 
4.  Marie Antoinette 
5.  Estates General 
6.  National Assembly 
7.  Tennis court oath 
8.  Legislative Assembly 
9.  Émigré 
10.                 Sans- Culottes 
11.                 Jacobin 
12.                 Guillotine 
13.                 Maximillian Robespierre 
14.                 Reign of Terror 
15.                 1st Estate (describe what groups are in this estate and the power they have) 
16.                 2nd Estate(describe what groups are in this estate and the power they have) 
17.                 3rd Estate(describe what groups are in this estate and the power they have) 
18.                 Bourgeoisie 
19.                 Bastille 
20.                 Declaration of the rights of Man 
21.                 Conservative 
22.                 Liberal 
23.                  Moderate 
Chapter 23 section 1

1.    Describe life in France prior to the French Revolution.
2.    Identify the 3 different estates of the Old Regime and describe the rights of each estate.
3.    Evaluate why the bourgeoisie would resent their lack of power in the Estates System.
4.    How are The Enlightenment and social unrest in France connected?
5.    Evaluate the Rule of Louis XVI
6.    Why did the 3rd Estate propose a change in the Estates General voting rules?
7.    How did can the women’s march be seen as a turning point in the relationship between the king and the people?
8.    Do you believe the Revolution could be avoided? Defend your answer.

Chapter 23 Section 2
1.    What major reforms did the National Assembly introduce?
2.    Evaluate the changes of The National Assembly. Could it be enough to stop a revolution? Defend your answer with evidence from the chapter.
3.    What did the September Massacres illustrate about the mood of the people?
4.    Evaluate the effectiveness of the Guillotine as a means of execution.
5.    How did Robespierre justify the use of terror?
6.    Evaluate the success of The French Revolution. Were the goals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity meant? Defend your answer with evidence from the text.
Writing assignments
1.    Take the role of a member of the Third Estate.  Write a brief speech explaining why the French political system needs to change.
2.    Write a short biography of two revolutionary figures discussed in section 2. Do you agree with their ideas and actions? Why or why not.

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