Wednesday, September 4, 2019

First Day

I hope you all had a wonderful day! I know first days can be overwhelming. if you have any concerns please see me.  I wanted to address a few issues:

Please remember to sign up for remind.

1. Summer assignment: All summer assignments can be handed in until Friday September 6th for no point deduction.

All late work will be accepted until Friday September 20th for a 5 point deduction every day it is late. 

2. HW assignments: all HW assignments will be printed out and posted on the blog. First HW is due Tuesday. assignment sheet will be given out on Friday

3. Textbook. You may use the textbook link or if you would rather take a textbook please sign one out tomorrow.

Regents Exam This course culminates in a comprehensive Regents Exam that is required for graduation and will be held on Friday, June 19th 

4. Civic Action:  Throughout the year we will not only explore historical events but also current events both globally and locally. I encourage you to watch or read multiple news outlets to be informed, global citizens.

5. Setting Goals:  I will challenge each of you to set some goals for your self this year and I will help you achieve those goals.

"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"

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