Saturday, March 15, 2014

Rise of Hitler/ life in Nazi Germany

I: Background
The Nazi Party was formed in 1919
Hitler joined the party shortly after it’s inception

Germany was in a state of disarray after W.W.I Many Germans were disillusioned after the defeat in the First World war. Ex-soldiers felt that they had been ‘Stabbed in the back’ and felt that they had not been defeated on the battlefield.  Many of them joined Right Wing groups such as the Nazi party. Many people feared a Communist  revolution in Germany. People looked to right Wing groups to act against this. Economic hardship was coupled with humiliation as a result of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Right Wing groups gained popularity by saying that they would not adhere to it’s terms.

A: Nazi's gain support during the 1920's
Military uniforms 
demonstrated strength at a time when the government was weak

Populist policies and rhetoric
uses to discredit opponents

References to traditional values 
and reminders of ‘Who was to blame’ for the economic crisis builds support.

B; 1923 Violent Uprising
By 1923 the Nazi party had gained much support in Germany. Now firmly under the control of Adolf Hitler the group attempts to seize control of the government through use of force.

1. The Beer Hall Putsch:

The Beer Hall Putsch of November 1923, or the Munich Putsch, was Hitler’s attempt to overthrow the Weimar government  and establish a right wing nationalistic one in its place. Despite having many sympathizers the coup fails and Hitler is imprisoned.

***The failure of the Beer Hall Putsch demonstrates that power needs to be taken through legal means
2. Regrouping:
While in prison Hitler analyzes the parties strategy
Political Strategies are developed and refined
Shift to winning electoral support 
Development of propaganda tools
Writes Mein Kempff

II: Hitler's Belief's
  • Believed Germans were the master race - Aryan Race
  • Non-Aryans - were sub-human - i.e., Jews, Gypsies, Slavic People, and Homosexuals
  • Versailles Treaty - was an outrage and must be nullified
  • Germans must regain back lost land - needed more room for German People - lebensraum or living space
  • Would get this land by conquering Europe
A: 1924-1929
  1. Focus on traditional values
  2. Builds fear of Left Wing groups
  3. Continued use of military imagery
  4. Lack of electoral support due to relative prosperity in Germany at the time
B: 1929-1932
  1. Wall Street Crash leads to end of effective financial assistance from USA
  2. Unemployment rises rapidly
  3. Hyperinflation recurs
  4. Threat of Communism increases
  5. Weimar Republic fails to address problems successfully
III: Hitler and the Nazi Party take control of Germany
A: First steps:
  • Nazi’s use force to prevent uprisings
  • Emphasis placed on military power -  wins support of many soldiers and traditionalists.
  • Weak coalition governments enables Nazi’s to gain political strength
  • Propaganda and shows of might impress the German people
B: Second phase:
  • Electoral support rises: Nazi’s become largest single party in the Reichstag - German Government
  • Continuing economic crisis leads to break down of coalitions
  • Germany in desperate need of a strong leader
  • Hitler invited to become chancellor by politicians who believe that Hitler can be manipulated easily
  • President Hindenburg’s death allows Hitler to assume presidential powers
  • Nazi Party’s rise to power is complete
IV: In Power
  • Makes all other political parties illegal
  • Arrested all opponents
  • Created a secret police - The Gestapo - used violence to make German people submit to Hitler's authority
  • - The SS - or Schutzstaffel - arrested and murdered Hitler’s enemies
  • Created jobs for millions of Germans - making roads, bridges, and military weapons
  • Burns books opposing Nazi beliefs
  • Makes the young join youth programs
  • Strong leadership
  • Determination
  • Extreme nationalism 
  •  Hitler’s capabilities as a public speaker
V: Important dates that help Hitler gain total control over Germany 1933

  1. February 27th: The Reichstag building was burned down. ** shows democracy in Germany is now dead
  2.  February 28th: ‘The Emergency Decree for the Protection of People and State’ was passed, which led to the suspension of civil rights, a ban on the left wing press and the rounding up and arrest of communist and socialist leaders.
  3.  March 5th: Elections to the Reichstag were held. The Nazis gained 288 seats (43.9% of the votes). The German National Party gained 52 seats (8% of the votes). Combined, this gave the Nazis a majority of support in the Reichstag.
  4.  March 6th: Communist and Socialist Party headquarters were occupied by the state police as were trade union headquarters. Buildings housing publishing companies associated with the left wing were also occupied.
  5.  March 9th: All states that were previously not loyal to the Nazis now had Nazi-loyal state administrations.
Review: how was Hitler able to come to power:

  •  Weakness of Coalition government
  • economic collapse
  • Fear of Communism
  • Anger over the treaty of Versailles
  • Offered simple solutions for complex problems
  • The promise of building a German empire
  • Strong leadership
  • Determination
  • Extreme nationalism 
  • Hitler’s capabilities as a public speaker

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