Saturday, March 8, 2014

Europe Between the wars 1919-1929

I: Background: 

  • the twenty years between WWI and wWWII were filled with uncertainty, political and social chaos.
  • many new countries were formed, democracy gave way to the rise of new political systems of Fascism and Nazism.
  • Economic problems
  • rise of dictators
  • devastation of the effects of war
  • peace built on quick sand
II:. Europe after WWI

  • most countries in Europe were bankrupt
  • massive loss of life land and money
  • acres of farm land destroyed, low crops, famine, and starvation
  • only the US and Japan have strong economies after the war
III: new countries and weak governments of Europe

  • old monarchies and emperors have been overthrown.
  • many new democracies failed
  1. had little experience with democracy  
  2. coalition governments made of many political parties took control but could not pass effective laws
  3. new leaders unable to solve the economic problems
result: many turned to totalitarian rulers who promised stability

IV: Attempts to keep peace
Europe wanted to keep peace at all cost
Kellog-Briand peace pact 1928 countries pledged to renounce war as a means of foreign plocy
problems: no one to enforce the treaty.

The League of Nations was ineffective because no military

V: Problems in Germany and The Weimar Republic: 
  • Billions in war debt
  • weak coalition government (Weimar Republic)
  • No money in Germany
  • Hyperinflation
  • anger over the treaty of Versailles
  • High unemployment
1. The Weimar Republic: the government in Germany after WWI. 
  • weak coalition government
  • could not solve Germany's problems
  • people held the Weimar republic responsible for Germany's loss of WWI and for the Treaty of Versailles
  • discontent among the Germans continues to grow until Hitler comes to power in 1932
VI: the great Depression
1. definition:
  • it is a severe economic down turn
  •  in the US and effects economies all over the world
  •  high unemployment, high inflation,and  bank closures
  • The Great Depression (1929-39) was the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world
2. Causes:
  • over production of goods:
  • decrease in demands for goods: causes prices to fall
  • stock market crash of 1929
  • massive selling of stocks
  • uneven distribution of wealth
  • many farmers, factory owners unable to pay off loans
  • when the US economy fails it impacts all of Europe/; economies were connected the US was the largest world producer of industrial goods and had loaned billions to European countries after WWI.
3. effects
  • world wide economic collapse
  • high unemployment
  • high Inflation
  • closure and failure of banks
  • rise of Fascism in Italy
  • Rise of Nazi party in Germany
  • Rise of Dictators in Spain
  • US adopts a policy of Isolationism 1929-1941

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