Tuesday, December 3, 2019

HW Sheet 1

Homework assignment November 25- 
Remember all assignments are due on the date listed. No late hw will be accepted. You may email your work to Mcastill@bufsd.org 
Topic : Imperialism 
Due Date 
Read chapter 27 section 1 define the voc words Chapter 27 section 1 questions 
Tuesday 11/26 

Writing assignment 1 Quiz grade 

Copy notes from the blog 
Test grade 

Monday 12/2 
Read chapter 27 section 3 
Answer the questions 

Wednesday 12/4 
Read chapter 27 Section 4 
Answer questions 

Friday 12/6 
Writing assignment 2 
Test grade 

Monday 12/9 
Castle learning 2 quiz grades 

Wednesday 12/11 
Voc: TEST FRIDAY 12/6 (flash cards 5 pts) 
  1. Imperialism 
  1. Social Darwinism 
  1. Scramble for Africa 
  1. Paternalism 
  1. Berlin Conference 
  1. Shaka 
  1. Boer 
  1. Boer War 
  1. Assimilation 
  1. Geopolitics 
  1. Crimean war 
  1. Suez canal 
  1. Sepoy 
  1. “jewel in the crown” 
  1. Sepoy mutiny 
  1. Raj 
  1. Annexation 

Section 1 questions 
  1. What motivated the nations of Europe to engage in imperialist activities? 
  1. How does nationalism cause imperialism? 
  1. How did the internal problems of Africa help the Europeans conquer the continent? 
  1. Describe what happened at the Berlin Conference. Why was it unfair to Africans? 
  1. What attitudes did the Europeans have about Africans? How did these attitudes help lead to imperialism? 
  1. How is the Industrial Revolution connected to Imperialism? 
  1. Describe the consequences of the Berlin Conference on the nations of Africa? 
  1. How was the struggle for land in the Boer War different from other takeovers in Africa? 
  1. Describe positives and negatives of imperialism on Africa. 
Section 3 
  1. Describe the events of the Crimean War 
  1. How did the Crimean war help lead to the decline of the Ottoman Empire? 
  1. How were the reactions of African and Muslim rulers to imperialism similar? How were they different? 
Section 4 
  1. What was India referred to as the newel in the crown? Do you believe that is an accurate description of the colony? Why or why not 
  1. Why did the British employ Indian soldiers? 
  1. Describe the positives and negatives of imperialism on India. 
  1. What was the Sepoy rebellion? 
  1. Why didn’t Indians unite against the British in the Sepoy Mutiny? 
  1. What was the impact of the rebellion? 
  1. How did religious differences in India help the British take control? 
  1. Why would the British think that dividing the Hindus and Muslims into separate sections would be good? 
  1. How did economic imperialism lead to India’s becoming a British colony? 
  1. How did imperialism contribute to unity and to the growth of nationalism in India? 
Writing assignment 1:  option 1 Write a journal entry as a European Missionary arriving in Africa. Describe what you see, the Africans’ response to the white man and why the Europeans are justified in conquering Africa. 
Option 2:  Imagine you are at the Berlin Conference: Write a speech as a delegate from Africa. Be sure to describe the impact the Europeans had on your people and why the Europeans must leave Africa alone. 
*if you do both the second will be extra credit (it will take away 2missing HW assignments) 
Writing assignment 2: Write 2 pages detailing the reasons for imperialism, the impact it had on both Africa and India. Decide whether imperialism was either an improvement or detriment to the people of Africa and India. Use evidence to support your claim. 

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