Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Chapter 24 homework Nationalist revolutions sweep the west. Chapter 24 in the textbook chapter 8 on the online link

Mrs. Castillo’s Homework sheet October 25- November 2. Please remember to place proper heading on all homework. www.castillobhs.blogspot.com
Unit 3 Nationalism Chapter 24
Due date
Copy notes from the blog on Latin American revolution quiz grade Define the voc words

Tuesday October 22
Read chapter 24 section 1 Answer the questions in the packet on a separate sheet of paper
Wednesday October 23
Read chapter 24 section 2 answer the questions from the packet

Thursday October 24

Voc test on all words
Copy notes from the blog on nationalism and unification
Friday October 25
Read ch 24 sect 3 Answer the questions in the packet on separate sheet of paper

Monday October 28
Read chapter 24 section 4 create a 5-7 bulleted outline
Castle learning questions
2 quiz grades
Tuesday October 29
Essay on nationalism
Counts as a test grade
Friday November 1st
Voc list (define these words on a separate sheet of paper
1.     Nationalism                                                                        18.  Romanticism
2.     Peninsulare                                                                        19. Realism
3.     Creole                                                                                          20. Impressionism
4.     Mulatto
5.     Simon Bolívar
6.     Jose de San Martin
7.     Miguel Hidalgo
8.     Nation-state
9.     The Balkans
10.  Russification
11.  Camilo d Cavour
12.  Giuseppe Garibaldi
13.  Junker
14.  Otto Von Bismarck
15.  Blood and iron
16.  Realpolitik
17.  Kaiser
Chapter 24 section 1 questions
1.     Identify the elements of colonial society that causes unrest in Latin America.
2.     Explain how Haiti gained independence.
3.     How are the actions of Simon Bolívar, Jose de San Martin and Toussaint L’Ouverture similar? How did their actions differ?
4.     From the point of view of the colonial powers, why were the creoles the most dangerous part of society?
5.     Explain the role the America and French revolutions played in the motives for independence in Latin America.

Section 2 questions
1.     Why did leaders of powerful countries oppose revolutions even when not directed against them?
2.     How were the revolutions in Italy different from the revolutions in Greece, Belgium and Poland?
3.     Was the election of Louis Napoleon a victory for the radicals? Explain your answer.
4.     How did Russia’s defeat in the Crimean war push it toward political reform?
5.     Where the peasants better off after the serfs were freed? Explain your answer.
6.     Why might liberals and radicals join together in a nationalistic cause?
7.     What consequences did Alexander’s reforms have Russia?
Chapter 24 section 3 questions
1.     How was the revolt in the Balkans an example of nationalism?
2.     Identify two empires that struggled with the emergence of nationalism? Explain the role nationalism played the destruction of each empire
3.     How was Russification supposed to strengthen the empire?
4.     Describe the steps of Italian unification (what role did each man play).
5.     What reasons might Garibaldi have had for stepping aside and let the Sardinia king rule?
6.     What role did Bismarck play in German unification?
7.     How did Bismarck’s provocation of war with Austria demonstrate realpolitik?
8.     What advantages did Prussia have in leading the German states to unify?
9.     How can Nationalism be both a unifying and destructive force?
10.  Predict 2 effects the unification of Germany and Italy will have on the future of European politics.

Essay Question
Your body must include an intro and a conclusion
Nationalism: Throughout history, nationalist movements have begun in different countries and regions with the hope of achieving either unification or independence. The results of these movements have been mixed.

Task: Select one country or region we have studied in chapter 24 and
• Describe the historical circumstances that led the people of this country or region to begin a nationalist movement
• Describe a goal of the nationalist movement
• Discuss a method used to achieve this goal
• Discuss the results of this nationalist movement on this country or region

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