Sunday, March 15, 2015

Homework sheet 3/17-3/26 chapter 32

Global II homework sheet

Due date
Voc list
Read chapter 32 section 1 questions
Tuesday 3/17

Chapter 32 section 2

Thursday 3/19
Chapter 32 section 4 read and answer questions

Voc test Friday
Friday 3/20

Section 5 read and answer questions

Monday 3/23

Multiple choice

Monday 3/23

Chapter 32 section 3 questions in the packet

Tuesday 3/24

Multiple choice quiz grade

Wednesday 3/25

Position paper test grade

Thursday 3/26

Battle of Britain
Atlantic charter
Pearl Harbor
Battle of Midway
Douglas MacArthur
Battle of Guadalcanal
Final solution
Dwight D Eisenhower
Battle of Stalingrad
Nuremberg Trials

Section 1 questions: due Tuesday
1. Describe how the blitzkrieg was effective.
2. How might the German attacks on Britain have strengthened Britain’s resistance?
3. How did the retreat at Dunkirk affect Britain’s ability to fight Hitler?
4. What advantage did the Luftwaffe have over the RAF
5. Compare the losses of the Germans and the Soviets at Leningrad and Moscow.

Section 2 due Wednesday
1. Summarize the fighting in the pacific between December 1941-April 1942
2. What were potential disadvantages of the “island-hoping” plan?
3. Did Admiral Yamamoto make a wise decision in bombing Pearl Harbor? Why or why not?

Section 3 due Tuesday 3/24
1. What were the immediate and the underlying causes of Kristallnacht?
2. How did anti-Semitism outside Germany contribute to the problems of Jews in Germany?
3. Why did Hitler begin mass killings of Jews?
4. Describe the difference between a concentration camp and an extermination camp?

Section 4 due Friday
1. What did the debate about a second front imply about the relationship among the allies?
2. How would you summarize the differences between the home fronts of the United States and its major allies?
3. What caused Germany to surrender?
4. What alternatives did the United States have to making a full-scale invasion if Japan or to using atomic bombs against Japan?

Section 5 due Monday 3/23
1. Compare the devastation of Europe after WWI and WWII.
2. How did Japan’s post war constitution compare to the constitution of the United States?
3. Why did Europeans leave their homes following the war?
4. Consider the personalities and tactics of Churchill, Hitler, Rommel and MacArthur. What qualities make a good war leader?

Position papers. This week you have two choices for your position paper. If you decide to both I will count the second as extra credit and replace your 2 lowest quiz grades. Both papers are due on Thursday 3/26

Position paper 1: the use of weapons of mass destruction
Do you believe the US was justified in using a weapon of mass destruction against the Japanese to end WWII? Be sure to give historical background as to why President Truman decided to use the atomic bomb. Provide evidence to support your position. Take into consideration the future impact of using this type of weapon will have on international relationships and war. As always please hand write your papers and the length must be at least 1 page front and back

Position paper 2 The Holocaust
Do you believe German civilians should be persecuted as war criminals for their role in allowing the Holocaust to happen? Analyze the role we have in protecting others from genocide. Give a brief history of the events of the Holocaust and provide evidence for your position. This paper must be no less 1 ½ pages hand written. 1 page is front and back.

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