Friday, February 13, 2015

PD 6 homework Sheet

Due date
Read and answer the questions on Ataturk. Copy the notes on the blog modernization of turkey. There will be a quiz on Monday feb 23

Read and complete the packet on the great depression and rise of fascism
Monday 2/23
Define the voc list
Read Chapter 31 section 2
Answer the questions

Tuesday 2/24

Copy notes Aggressors on the march from the blog quiz
Wednesday 2/25
Read chapter 31 section 3
Answer the questions in this packet
Thursday 2/26
Reading on Mussolini answer the questions
Friday 2/27

Read chapter 31 section 4 answer the questions

Voc Test Tuesday 3/3

Castle learning Opens tuesday 3/2 closes friday 3/6

Coalition government
Weimar republic
Great Depression
New deal
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf
Axis Power
Third Reich
Nonaggression pact (919)
Munich Conference
Anschluss (918)
Sudetenland (918)
Francisco Franco

Chapter 31 section 2 questions
1. Why were new democracies often unstable?
2. Describe the impact of World War I on post war Europe.
3. Identify the problems faced by the Weimar republic.
4. Trace the events that led to the financial collapse of the US economy.
5. What were the worldwide effects of the Great Depression.

Chapter 31 section 3 questions
1. Why did Mussolini’s popularity increase as Italy’s economy declined?
2. Why was fascism anti-communist?
3. What personal characteristics helped Hitler gain success as a leader?
4. What did Hitler believe were the rights and duties of the German “master race”?
5. Why might Germans have put their faith in Hitler?
6. Describe the events of Kristallnact.

Chapter 31 section 4
1. How did Japan’s invasion of Manchuria illustrate the weakness of The League of Nations?
2. Create a time line of aggressive acts committed by Japan, Italy and Germany between 1931-April 1939.
3. Why did the United States practice a policy of isolationism after WWI. (think of the connection between WWI and US policy of isolationism)
4. Is appeasement an effective policy for keeping peace? Why or why not?
5. What message did Hitler take from appeasement?
Monday 3/2

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