Sunday, September 21, 2014

Period 6 global II Homework september 30th -october 6th

Global II  Homework assignment sheet. All homework must have the proper heading: the due date is the date it is headed in. remember you may email hw at

Your name                           period
Date                                    assignment

Remember the assignments are listed on you can also access the textbook from there. Please check the blog for information and extra credit.

Due date
Read chapter 23 section 1 complete the voc list and section 1 questions
Tuesday Sept 30

Read chapter 23 section 2 complete the section 2questions.

Thursday 10/2
Multiple choice Quiz grade
Test on voc words
Friday 10/3

Writing assignment 1

Monday 10/6
Quiz on the early stages of the French revolution
Monday 10/6

Please remember to answer all questions in a complete sentence. Email any questions that you may have with the homework.

*** please complete the entire homework assignment. Those of you who are only completing less than 1/3 of the hw will not receive any credit.

Period 1,2 home work for the week of september 29th - october 6th

Global II  honors Homework assignment sheet. All homework must have the proper heading: the due date is the date it is headed in. remember you may email hw at

Your name                                                              period
Date                                                                        assignment

Remember the assignments are listed on you can also access the textbook from there. Please check the blog for information and extra credit.
Due date
Chapter 23 outline
Tuesday Sept 30
Read chapter 23 section 1 complete the voc list and section 1 questions
Wednesday 10/1

Read chapter 23 section 2 complete the section 2 questions.
Writing assignment #1

Thursday 10/2
Reading on the causes of the French revolution
Multiple choice Quiz grade
Test on voc words
Friday 10/3

Writing assignment 2

Monday 10/6
Quiz on the early stages of the French revolution
Monday 10/6

Please remember to answer all questions in a complete sentence. Email any questions that you may have with the homework.

1st unit test

Global II periods 1,2,6
you will have your first unit exam on
wednesday september 23 2014.

It will consist of 40 multiple choice and voc words from chapter 22. 

remember to study all the multiple sheets we have completed in class and for hw. 

If you have any questions please see me. 

Unit exams count as 2 test grades so please study and try your best. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I just wanted to take the time to say what a pleasure it was to meet all of you today. I truly believe this will be a great year. we will challenge each other, learn and have fun. Please try the textbook link and let me know if you have any issues. also please have your binders by monday. Again thank you for such a positive opening day